HY ATHLETIC CLUB welcomeS Junior Athletes from age 7

Come along and try out a session to find out more

HY Juniors train free thanks to our sponsors

We generally run three junior sessions at the same time, this way different ages and abilities can be catered for. Each group has its own qualified and experienced coach. The focus is both on fun as well as fitness and also about making everyone feel included. All of our coaches are DBS checked by UK Athletics. We also have a Safeguarding Lead plus several Welfare Officers and First Aiders in the club.

Meet our LEAD Welfare Officer
Ivy Buckland

I am HY AC's lead welfare officer. This means I am responsible for ensuring that any concerns reported about children (under 18 years) are managed appropriately and procedures are in place to safeguard all children in the club.

Welfare is not exclusive to children, the safety of all athletes, coaches, officials and volunteers is of paramount importance to the club. To assist in maintaining the welfare of all HY AC we require all members to consider their personal behaviour and the impact it may have on others, and that any misunderstandings are reported to a member of the committee.

If your child is a member of the club please do show them my photo and explain the role of the Welfare Officers within HY AC, and encourage them to approach me with any worries or concerns. You can usually find me at the track on a Wednesday. Alternatively I am contactable via email or mobile.

Any suspicions of misconduct must be reported to me in person or via my email or one of the committee members in accordance with our Safeguarding Code of Conduct and Procedures.

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