Safeguarding Code of Conduct and Procedures

HY Runners - 28.09.2021

All members of our club have a duty of care to one another. This is reflected in our Club Constitution and Codes of Conduct. Our aim is to create a welcoming and supportive setting for our members to enjoy being part of the club and most of all feel safe. We want members to know that there is a safe space to talk to us, if they have any concerns about their own Welfare within the club. We also want to ensure that members feel confident in knowing how to raise any concerns they may have about the Welfare of a member and how this will be dealt with.

As an England Athletics affiliated club we adopt the follow policies and procedures for Club Welfare and Safeguarding.

UKA Statement June 2021

Every club committee has a responsibility to implement and communicate codes of conduct, as well as relevant policies and processes which link to the codes.

The club shall:

1. adopt the UKA and HCAF Child Safeguarding Policy and Child Safeguarding Procedures, and ensure they are displayed prominently on websites and social media pages

2. adopt the UKA and HCAF Adult Safeguarding Policy and Adult Safeguarding Procedures, and ensure they are displayed prominently on websites and social media pages

3. adopt the UKA and HCAF Codes of Conduct and ensure they are signed up to by those working and volunteering in regulated roles, parents/carers and athletes (clubs that have online membership processes, or utilise third party sites, must make sure the process includes a section for the applicant to read and agree to abide by the codes of conduct)

4. adopt the UKA and HCAF procedures for managing safeguarding concerns

5. adopt a disciplinary process for managing misconduct cases

6. appoint a minimum of one Welfare Officer in line with UKA guidelines and role description for Club Welfare Officers

7. ensure that all coaches and volunteers are recruited safely and are operating appropriately within the club environment (i.e. that they hold appropriate up-to-date qualifications and licences, have undertaken a satisfactory criminal record check, and are adhering to the safeguarding policies, terms and conditions of their licence and the relevant codes of conduct)

8. ensure that coaches, technical officials and club officers attend recommended safeguarding training every three years

9. adopt an induction process for new members that includes agreeing and signing up to the codes of conduct, safeguarding policies, discipline policy, anti-bullying policies and other relevant information

10. liaise appropriately with parents/carers, officials, coaches, UKA, the relevant HCAF and other relevant people/organisations to ensure that good practice is maintained

11. maintain a register of safeguarding training attended and criminal record checks completed relevant to club members, and share this register with the HCAF when asked

12. ensure that contact details for Club Welfare Officers and relevant agencies are openly displayed in club environs and on club websites, and made available to anyone who requires them

The UKA Safeguarding Regulations apply to:

All individuals, clubs, associations, and other organisations involved in any capacity in the sport of Athletics, whether or not members of UK Athletics. For the avoidance of doubt, this includes all participants and anyone working within the sport (in a paid or voluntary capacity, and whether as an employee or on a self-employed basis or otherwise) including all licenced Coaches and Officials.All persons (including licenced Coaches and Officials) involved in competitions conducted under the auspices of UKA.

All Athletes (including Athletes on the WCP), Athlete Representatives and Athlete Support Personnel involved in competitions conducted under the auspices of UKA.

Welfare Concerns

There are three types of Welfare Concerns that can be raised at the Club

1. A Welfare Concern that requires immediate action

2. A Welfare Concern regarding a situation outside of the Athletics Environment

3. A Welfare Concern regarding a situation within the Athletics Environment

There are different ways in which you may become aware of a concern

1. A member may confide in you about a concern they have about themselves

2. You may witness something that causes you concern

3. A member or parent may confide in you about a concern they have about another member

When you become aware of a concern it is important that you do not:

1. Probe for more information than is offered

2. Speculate or make assumptions

3. Show shock or distaste

4. Make comments about the person against whom the allegations have been made

5. Make promises or agree to keep secrets

6. Give a guarantee of confidentiality

All members have a duty to raise the concern with a Club Welfare officer to ensure that matters are appropriate managed and recorded by the club. It is not the members’ responsibility to investigate concerns. If the concern does not require immediate action, it should be reported in writing to the Club Welfare Officer so that an accurate record is logged which may be required at a later time.

In the case of an Adult Welfare concern, it is important that you also consider the needs and wishes of the person at risk, taking into account the nature of the alert.

Our Club Welfare Officers are:

Sophie McGoldrick, Carl Adams, Darrin Botting, Riz Maslin and Karen Murdoch.

When a concern is raised that requires immediate action -

If there is an immediate risk to the safety of an individual, you need to contact the Police immediately and report your concerns. Please consider your own safety as well as that of the individual at this time.

When it is appropriate to do so, you should inform a Club Welfare Officer of the action taken for official club records and will use this to consider what, if any further action is required by the club.

When a concern is raised regarding a setting outside the Athletics Environment -

If you become aware of a Welfare concern that is not directly related to the club environment, you still have a duty of care to share this information. If the concern does not require immediate action, you should report the matter to a Club Welfare Officer, in writing as previously described.

The Club Welfare Officer will refer to the flow charts located in the appropriate policy (UKA Safeguarding Children / UKA Safeguarding Adults) and take the appropriate action (see flowchart below).

The Club Welfare Officer may be required to make contact with local services to report this concern.

Contact details of these services can be found here:

• ESCC Children’s Social Services 0345 608 0192 (10am to 3pm, Monday to Friday)

• ESCC Children’s Social Services 01273 335906 or 01273 335905 (out of hours)

• ESCC Adult Social Services 0345 608 0191 (8am to 8pm, seven days a week including bank holidays and out of hours)

Managing a Concern within the Athletics Environment

Report your concern to a Club Welfare Officer in writing. The Club Welfare Officer will then refer to the flowcharts located in the appropriate policy (see below) to decide if the concern meets the threshold of being reported to UKA.

If the threshold is met for reporting the matter to UKA, the Welfare Officer is required to follow this process:

• Email or call the UKA Welfare Department on 0121 713 8450 (selecting option 2)

• UKA Welfare Staff will talk you through the process that will subsequently follow and are on hand to answer any questions/concerns you may have

• UKA Welfare Staff will also offer you advice in relation to reporting back to club officials and managing your club environment appropriately

If as a Welfare Officer, you are unsure if the concern meets the threshold you should contact UKA using the means above to check.

Managing a Concern that does not meet the threshold for reporting to UKA but still requires intervention at club level.

If the concern does not meet the threshold for being reported to UKA, it does not mean that the concern will be dismissed. It is possible that this concern is still causing distress to a member or members and requires intervention at a club level.

In this instance the Club Welfare Officer may need to speak to another member of the committee. In the first instance this should be another Welfare Officer or if this is not appropriate the Chair or other senior Committee member. An agreement will then be formed on what action should be taken. It may be the case that some mediation is required. If as part of the concern, a formal complaint has been raised, the club will use its Disciplinary Process to manage the complaint.

If there is uncertainty regarding what action to take the Club Welfare Officer may sense check the proposed action with the England Athletics Club and Compliance Manager or their local Club Support Manager. 

Support available for Club Welfare Officers

Occupying the role of welfare officer can be challenging at times, mainly due to the vast and unpredictable nature of issues/concerns that can and may arise within your club setting. Please always ensure that you place the importance of your own health and wellbeing at the forefront of your work. If you find that a particular matter or simply a build-up of issues are causing you a degree of upset/stress, please ensure that you reach out to one of the following organisations that will be more than happy to talk the matter through with you and offer you the reassurance, guidance and support you rightly deserve.

• Advice and support regarding Club and Athlete Compliance and Wellbeing matters can be obtained by contacting Emma Davenport – England Athletics Head of Clubs and Participation or call 07967 317341

• Advice and support regarding Safeguarding/Child Protection concerns or UKA Licensed Coach/Official concerns can be obtained by contacting Angus Macdonald or call 07920 532552

• Advice and support regarding DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service) enquiries can be obtained by contacting Laura Mottershead – UKA Welfare Administrator or call 0121 713 8450 (option 1)

• Mind – 0300 123 3393

• NSPCC – 0808 800 5000

Club Welfare Officer: Roles and Responsibilities

The Club Welfare Officer (CWO) with the support of the club committee has the responsibility to:

• implement effective Child Safeguarding Policy and Child Safeguarding Procedures and keep them up to date

• promote safeguarding at the club and encourage good practice

• respond appropriately to safeguarding concerns

• regularly report to the club’s organising committee on safeguarding matters

• ensure that members of the club/volunteers/staff who are working with children and/or adults at risk are recruited safely and in line with legal requirements

• maintain records of safeguarding training attended by club members

• maintain records of club coaches and officials’ licences and criminal record checks

• make sure the sports volunteers/staff, parents/carers, adults and children are aware of:

• how to contact the CWO

• the codes of conduct for working with children/adults at risk

• how to respond to safeguarding concerns

• deal effectively with breaches of the codes of conduct, poor practice, or allegations of abuse

• keep up to date with developments in safeguarding

• attend the relevant safeguarding courses for the role of CWO

• complete a criminal record check through the relevant Home Country procedures

• maintain confidential records of reported safeguarding concerns and action taken

• liaise with the HCAF Welfare Officer and/or statutory agencies if/when required

Person Specification

It is desirable for a Club Welfare Officer to:

• have an interest in safeguarding and welfare matters

• be friendly and approachable with the ability to communicate well with adults and children

• be willing to challenge opinion, where necessary, and to drive the safeguarding agenda

• have strong listening skills and the ability to deal with sensitive situations with empathy and integrity

• have an understanding of the importance of confidentiality and when information may need to be shared in order to protect the best interests of a child or an adult at risk

• have the confidence and ability to manage situations relating to the poor conduct/behaviour of others towards a child or an adult at risk and know when to ask for support


Coaches play a crucial role in the development of athletics and in the lives of the athletes they coach. They have a unique position of trust in athletics and the need for coaches to understand and act on their responsibilities is vital, as is the need to promote participation for fun and enjoyment. The code of conduct for coaches reflects the principles of good coaching practice.

Responsibilities – Professional Standards

To maximise the benefits and minimise the risks to athletes, coaches must attain an appropriate level of competence through qualifications, and a commitment to ongoing training to ensure safe and correct practice.

Responsibilities – Personal Standards

Coaches must demonstrate proper personal behaviour and conduct at all times.


Coaches must respect and champion the rights of every individual to participate in sport and physical activity.


Coaches must develop a positive relationship with their participants (and others) based on openness, honesty, mutual trust and respect.


All club coaches must abide by and sign the UKA Code of Conduct. Admin will retain the signed documents.


The club will circulate the UKA Code of Conduct to all parents/carers and request that they convey the content to their child/children. Either the parent/carer or child can sign the document, and this shall be returned to club admin for retention.


The UKA Code of Conduct for parents/carers must be read and understood by all coaches and committee members and must be provided to all existing parents/carers and to all parents/carers of new joiners.


The club shall require all existing senior athletes and all new joiners to abide by and sign the UKA Code of Conduct. Admin will retain the signed documents.


The club shall require all technical officials to abide by and sign the UKA Code of Conduct. Admin will retain the signed documents.

CODE OF CONDUCT: VOLUNTEERS (excluding licensed coaches and technical officials)

Where practicable, the club will request volunteers to read and abide by the UKA Code of Conduct.


UKA Codes of Conduct booklet (July 2021).

UKA Safeguarding Regulations

UKA Child Safeguarding Policy (June 2021)

UKA Child Safeguarding Procedures (June 2021)

UKA Adult Safeguarding Policy (June 2021)

UKA Adult Safeguarding Procedures (June 2021)

UKA Safeguarding Team

UKA Photographic Policy Guidance for Athletics Clubs and Venues (June 2021)

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